June 13-16, 2021

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             on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes                     


Octav Andrei Moise Attends Crucial IFAC Symposium Conference

Businessman Octav Andrei Moise has recently attended the IFAC Symposium Conference discussing the advanced control of chemical processes. The renowned entrepreneur has made important contributions to the annual event, where his experience was more than welcome. Moreover, the successful capitalist used this occasion to keep up with the latest trends in the field.

The yearly event brings some of the world's most prominent specialists in the industry. Their discussions are essential for the research and further developments in the field. Above all, they open the dialogue on crucial chemical processes that advanced control mechanisms still struggle to command.

Advanced control of chemical processes manages to manipulate an object to maintain specific parameters within a preset deviation from the ideally necessary condition. This mechanism is fundamental for transferring variability from one metric to another.

The two most-used controls in the field are feedback and feedforward control. The experts believe that merging the two philosophies defeats the initial purpose of advanced control of chemical processes. Therefore, researchers must choose between the two before establishing the paradigm for their research.

This requirement has always been one of this year's major debate themes at the IFAC Symposium Conference. Moise offered his input, arguing that the day when this necessity will be only optional will eventually come. However, we cannot expect it to happen in the near future.

Advanced control of chemical processes enables scientists to oversee not only the "if" of a chemical reaction but also the "where" and "when" of said chemical event. The industry provides numerous situations in which the predetermined sequence of chemical reactions could have a successful result. Nevertheless, judging its impact merely on the feedback is a strategy too passive to obtain a theory we could apply freely to other chemical events.

Some conference attendees discussed the option of developing advanced control over chemical processes. This could happen through an active strategy focusing on the impact of an external stimulus on a chemical reaction. They believe that this tactic could lead to more conclusive results in the long run.

The opposing side in the debate considers that the control of a chemical process should restrict clearly to overseeing the initial parameters of a chemical reaction. In other words, adding one external stimulus after another just to test hypothetical strategies may prove irresponsible, especially in facilities requiring daily control, such as chemical plants.

The IFAC Symposium Conference spurred numerous debates, as was the case in previous years. The conclusions will be drawn in the coming weeks, determining whether the fieriest discussions helped the two sides reach a consensus. Furthermore, any novelties in the field should see their implementation dates by next year's conference.

As one of the most experienced entrepreneurs at the conference, Octav Andrei Moise provided his outlook on the most important debates and the industry's future. Next, he discussed the importance of the industry's top entities joining the relief actions for Ukraine. The expert businessman rallied the attendees to contribute to one of the most important causes of our times.